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La thématique :

Be an Environmental Manager in Luxembourg

The function of Environmental Manager within a Luxembourg structure is a particularly difficult function to master.

Indeed, no higher education training exists in the country, so everyone must learn the intricacies of Luxembourg’s environmental regulations « on the job ».

It’s even more daunting for cross-border commuters new to the job because Luxembourg, French, German or Belgian regulations differ, with the devil often hiding in the details!

The objective of this training is to provide trainees with a solid foundation in environmental regulations, useful in their current role but also sufficiently complete for any possible change of sector of activity during their professional career.

We offer a 1-day training course for those who have just taken up their position in the field or who wish to get involved. 2 additional hours in an one-to-one visio are offered to each attendee for speaking abourt sensitive and/or confidential topics. 

The topics will be adapted to the needs of the attendees.

Persons concerned : Current or future Environmental Managers, in Luxembourg.

5% discount for ATDL+ and ProRSE active members.

Contact us for more information and to know the next dates.

Auteur :

Image de EHS


Hygiéniste du travail et de l’Environnement avec plus de 20 ans d’expérience dans le domaine, Daniel Schmidt est enregistré en tant qu’IPRP (Intervenant en Prévention des Risques Professionnels) auprès de la DREETS Grand-Est.

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