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La thématique :

Industrial and Environmental Hygiene

Industrial hygiene is the branch of occupational safety that aims to prevent occupational risks related to the physical work environment.

It concerns all the prevention and protection measures that are implemented in industrial work environments to ensure the health, safety and well-being of workers.

Occupational and environmental hygienists are responsible for:

  • identification and assessment of risks: The occupational and environmental hygienist must be able to identify and assess the occupational and environmental risks associated with the company’s activities. 
  • data collection and analysis: Occupational and environmental hygienists must collect and analyze data on occupational and environmental risks in order to propose appropriate solutions. They must be able to carry out case studies and investigations to identify the root causes of accidents and occupational diseases.
  • developing action plans: Occupational and environmental hygienists should design action plans to prevent or mitigate identified occupational and environmental hazards. They must also propose solutions to improve working conditions and the working environment.
  • employee training and information: Occupational and environmental hygienists must train and inform employees about the occupational and environmental risks related to their activities. They must also communicate on the preventive measures to be taken to avoid accidents and occupational diseases.
  • Regulatory compliance: Occupational and environmental hygienists must ensure that the company complies with regulatory standards for occupational health and safety as well as environmental standards. They must also ensure that risk management programs and emission and waste control measures are in place.

In short, occupational and environmental hygienists are responsible for protecting workers, residents and the environment from occupational and environmental risks by implementing appropriate prevention solutions.

Industrial hygiene is important to workers because it helps reduce the risk of occupational illness and injury, improves productivity by reducing sickness absence, and improves workers’ overall quality of life. It’s also important for employers because it can help reduce costs related to workplace injuries and illnesses, improve regulatory compliance, and boost company reputation.

Auteur :

Image de EHS


Hygiéniste du travail et de l’Environnement avec plus de 20 ans d’expérience dans le domaine, Daniel Schmidt est enregistré en tant qu’IPRP (Intervenant en Prévention des Risques Professionnels) auprès de la DREETS Grand-Est.

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