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The management of EHS risks in the crafts sector may present particularities compared to other sectors of activity due to the nature of the crafts activities and their often more informal organization.

Diversity of Craft Activities

Here are some particularities to take into account in the management of EHS risks in the artisanal sector:

The craft sector can bring together a wide variety of activities, such as carpentry, sewing, pottery, jewelry, leather goods, etc. Each of these activities presents specific risks, which must be identified and assessed.

Size of Craft Businesses

The size of craft businesses: Craft businesses are often small, with few employees. This can make it difficult to set up formal EHS risk management, as financial and human resources may be limited.

Working Conditions

Working conditions: Artisans can work in conditions that do not always comply with safety and hygiene standards. They may be exposed to hazards from handling tools and machinery, handling chemicals, dust, noise, etc.

Customers and Visitors

Customers and visitors: Craft businesses can receive customers and visitors on their premises. Safety and health risks must therefore be taken into account to protect customers and visitors.

Adapting EHS Measures to Craft Businesses

To effectively manage EHS risks in the artisanal sector, it is important to put in place measures adapted to the size and nature of the company. This may include:

Risk Assessment

A risk assessment to identify the specific risks associated with each craft activity, as well as the risks associated with the working environment and visitors.

Training and Awareness

Training and raising awareness of craftsmen on the risks associated with their activity, as well as on the use of personal protective equipment (PPE) and good safety practices.

Preventive Measures

Preventive measures to reduce the identified risks, such as the installation of ventilation systems, the implementation of safety procedures, or noise reduction.

Communication Policy

A clear communication policy to inform customers and visitors of potential risks and the security measures to be observed.

Regular Monitoring and Evaluation

The implementation of regular monitoring and evaluation of preventive measures to ensure their effectiveness.


In short, EHS risk management in the artisanal environment must be adapted to the nature of the artisanal activities and to the particularities of each artisanal enterprise. This will protect workers, customers, and visitors, and contribute to the long-term sustainability of the business. Here too, we must not neglect the effects of climate change and put in place actions to improve resilience.

Auteur :

Image de EHS


Hygiéniste du travail et de l’Environnement avec plus de 20 ans d’expérience dans le domaine, Daniel Schmidt est enregistré en tant qu’IPRP (Intervenant en Prévention des Risques Professionnels) auprès de la DREETS Grand-Est.

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