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La thématique :


For French companies with more than 50 employees, an Annual Program for the Prevention of Occupational Risks and the Improvement of Working Conditions (PAPRIPACT) must be provided in accordance with the French Law 2021-1018.

This mandatory document, which formalizes for the following year, all the measures to act on the occupational risks identified. It must be presented to the CSE annually as part of the consultation on social policy (art. L. 2312-27).

The PAPRIPACT is directly linked to two other obligations: the Unique Document and the SSCT Annual Report of the business manager.

The annual Health, Safety and Working Conditions report is a written document to be presented to the members of the CSE at least once a year. This report provided by the employer presents an overview of the general situation in relation to these aspects. It is accompanied by the risk prevention program of the previous year and therefore allows the CSE to monitor the actions.

A driving force for prevention!

For CSE elected officials, PAPRIPACT is undoubtedly the most important prevention approach.

This program incorporates the promises of the Single Document into the concrete prevention actions to be implemented.

Here will be defined the measures in detail their conditions of execution, with planning and costing.

The interest is therefore the budget allocated to prevention and its use.

It is through the PAPRIPACT that we measure the place of working conditions in the company.

By submitting the PAPRIPACT to the consultation of the CSE, the law gives it a power of proposal and arbitration, which the employer cannot avoid. It is therefore important that the opinion of the CSE be detailed. It will be enriched by elected officials with the knowledge acquired during inspections, surveys and information from employees.

The law also allows elected officials to propose an order of priority of actions, as well as additional measures.

When some of the measures planned by the employer or requested by the committee have not been carried out, the employer justifies in writing the reasons for this non-performance. The elected CSE will be very attentive to this.

The financial stake for the company is important for any request to obtain public contracts, public participations, subsidies, bonuses of any kind or social or tax advantages. During these procedures, the Labor Code provides for the mandatory transmission of the CSE report on the PAPRIPACT examination.

PAPRIPACT : user manual

As for the single document, there is no official model to formalize the PAPRIPACT.

Nevertheless, to fulfill its function, it must include:

  1. Precise information on preventive measures
  2. Operational objectives
  3. A deployment plan
  4. A list of referents in charge of the actions to be carried out
  5. A quantified budget
  6. Part 1: Risk prevention – general orientations and priorities for action by the CSE,
  7. Part 2: Measures to be carried out,
  8. Part 3: Measures postponed to a future program,
  9. Part 4: Measures Rejected and Reasons for Rejections.
  10. Techniques: design, maintenance, layout, equipment

PAPRIPACT: a prevention timeline to follow!

The PAPRIPACT records the actions to be implemented the following year, it must therefore be finalized no later than the last CSE in December (N+1). It’s a simple matter of consistency.

Logically, it must follow the annual update of the Single Document (N) on which it must be based (art. R. 4121-3), and the assessment of the annual report for the previous year (N -1).

The prevention approach is linked over time:

 Year N-1, we decide = PAPRIPACT year N

 Year N, we produce = Single document

 Year N+1, we evaluate = Annual report of year N

The process of this approach is a continuous sequence. Above all, there should be no interruptions, omissions or disorganization. Otherwise, the effectiveness of prevention would be affected.


Occupational and environmental hygienist with more than 20 years of experience in the field, Daniel Schmidt is registered as an IPRP (Intervener in the Prevention of Occupational Risks) with the DREETS Grand-Est.

Auteur :

Image de Daniel Schmidt

Daniel Schmidt

Hygiéniste du travail et de l’Environnement avec plus de 20 ans d’expérience dans le domaine, Daniel Schmidt est enregistré en tant qu’IPRP (Intervenant en Prévention des Risques Professionnels) auprès de la DREETS Grand-Est.

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