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La thématique :

Risk assessment: the different steps

We have already explained the process of occupational risk assessment according to the Luxembourg legislation. Once these steps have been validated, it is necessary to proceed with the sensitization of the employees and the transfer of skills.


From the photos taken and our database of accidents at work, we can put together a slide show linking the work situations and the related risks. It’s a great way to raise employee awareness.

The action plan associated with the risk assessment must be implemented and monitored periodically. The planned measures must be reviewed and adapted as needed.

The risk assessment must be updated after each significant event concerning safety (for example an accident at work, a new machine, etc.).

Skills transfer

The aim is to give you the means to carry out the Professional Risk Assessment internally.

The typical content of a training is:

  • A meeting to present the approach,
  • A theoretical part (slide shows),
  • Exercises,
  • Field training,
  • Delivery of tools (note-taking support and « Checklists »)

The duration will be adapted to your company.


Daniel SCHMIDT is certified Designated Worker of group G (highest level) and is up to date with his continuing education.

He can bring you his expertise whether for specific needs, a short-term mission (replacement of an absent Designated Worker), coaching of a beginner or longer-term assignment.

Auteur :

Daniel Schmidt

Daniel Schmidt

Hygiéniste du travail et de l’Environnement avec plus de 20 ans d’expérience dans le domaine, Daniel Schmidt est enregistré en tant qu’IPRP (Intervenant en Prévention des Risques Professionnels) auprès de la DREETS Grand-Est.

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