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La thématique :

Industrial environment

EHS risk management in the industrial setting should be of significant concern to all stakeholders, including employees, shareholders, customers, and surrounding communities.

Responsibility of Industrial Companies

Companies in the industrial sector therefore have a special responsibility to ensure that their activities are carried out in a safe and responsible manner. It is important for companies to take a proactive approach to EHS risk management, rather than a reactive approach.

Proactive vs. Reactive Approach in EHS Risk Management

This means that they should identify and assess potential risks early on and put in place preventive measures to reduce risks before they occur.

Transparency and Communication on EHS Risks

Companies must also be transparent about their EHS risk management. Stakeholders have the right to know what risks exist and what measures are in place to prevent or mitigate them.

The Crucial Role of Continuous Monitoring

Clear and open communication about EHS risk management can build stakeholder trust and improve company reputation.

EHS Risk Management for Long-term Sustainability

Finally, EHS risk management is an ongoing process. Companies should regularly monitor the risks and preventive measures in place to ensure that they are effective and that they are still relevant to the needs of the company.

Overall, EHS risk management in the industrial setting is essential to protect workers, surrounding communities, and the environment, while contributing to the long-term sustainability of the company.

Anticipating Future Impacts and Adaptation

Finally, it is time to anticipate the effects of the scarcity of certain resources, climate disruptions which will soon have an even greater impact on activities.

The Contribution of External Auditors in Risk Management

The hindsight of an external auditor can help you identify or reassess certain risks in order to prevent the consequences of accidents and incidents; it can also help you anticipate the impacts of ongoing changes and improve your resilience.

Auteur :

Image de EHS


Hygiéniste du travail et de l’Environnement avec plus de 20 ans d’expérience dans le domaine, Daniel Schmidt est enregistré en tant qu’IPRP (Intervenant en Prévention des Risques Professionnels) auprès de la DREETS Grand-Est.

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